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"},{"text":"You’ll have two reviews a year, meaning you’ll have two chances to prove you should be earning more."},{"text":"Explore the world via team events + workation (the famous company-wide Homa trip)."},{"text":"Essential benefits in France and specific locations: health insurance, meal vouchers, public transport subsidy, child-care benefits, and life insurance."}],"introPerkItems":[{"heading":"Trust From Day One","text":"Take a long lunch. Go to the dentist. Book a spin class. We’ll trust you to get the job done.\n"},{"heading":"Continuous Learning","text":"Knowledge shares, Learning Days and a full-on learning platform mean you’ll gain experience and knowledge here."},{"heading":"Competitive Cash","text":"We’re looking for people who care about our mission as much as we do – and we know care doesn’t come cheap."}],"scrollingImages":[{"asset":{"assetId":"890b8134024e7560b99c5c8e4492954df4011ff5","_id":"image-890b8134024e7560b99c5c8e4492954df4011ff5-720x720-jpg","metadata":{"_type":"sanity.imageMetadata","hasAlpha":false,"lqip":"","dimensions":{"_type":"sanity.imageDimensions","width":720,"aspectRatio":1,"height":720},"isOpaque":true},"_updatedAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:25Z","_rev":"cFUTZTszjLP6XQNU17qD7T","url":"https://cdn.sanity.io/images/6c0i34g8/production/890b8134024e7560b99c5c8e4492954df4011ff5-720x720.jpg","_createdAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:25Z","originalFilename":"carousel-5.jpg","sha1hash":"890b8134024e7560b99c5c8e4492954df4011ff5","uploadId":"z9f2Sb00v7YMH1gSgzKeEyJ1frWrciRy","extension":"jpg","size":48980,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","path":"images/6c0i34g8/production/890b8134024e7560b99c5c8e4492954df4011ff5-720x720.jpg","_type":"sanity.imageAsset"},"caption":null,"alt":null,"hotspot":null},{"asset":{"extension":"jpg","path":"images/6c0i34g8/production/c9bec028d5d4a7b63ee8eb382b757a65c997a681-720x720.jpg","assetId":"c9bec028d5d4a7b63ee8eb382b757a65c997a681","_id":"image-c9bec028d5d4a7b63ee8eb382b757a65c997a681-720x720-jpg","sha1hash":"c9bec028d5d4a7b63ee8eb382b757a65c997a681","metadata":{"dimensions":{"_type":"sanity.imageDimensions","width":720,"aspectRatio":1,"height":720},"isOpaque":true,"_type":"sanity.imageMetadata","hasAlpha":false,"lqip":""},"_type":"sanity.imageAsset","url":"https://cdn.sanity.io/images/6c0i34g8/production/c9bec028d5d4a7b63ee8eb382b757a65c997a681-720x720.jpg","_updatedAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:22Z","uploadId":"cYjRJbkkBVRWg9YtTyyQA9TNv3BxvLwB","_createdAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:22Z","mimeType":"image/jpeg","size":41313,"_rev":"LCf5LIeFNc0LAgosuidlUa","originalFilename":"carousel-4.jpg"},"caption":null,"alt":null,"hotspot":null},{"asset":{"extension":"jpg","uploadId":"VGY1pjBf8xYu9upPgKnSYLAecwVC9FMj","path":"images/6c0i34g8/production/8a709b350ee93c6328de9cc8c2aa1121ed12742c-721x721.jpg","assetId":"8a709b350ee93c6328de9cc8c2aa1121ed12742c","_updatedAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:20Z","metadata":{"_type":"sanity.imageMetadata","hasAlpha":false,"lqip":"","dimensions":{"height":721,"_type":"sanity.imageDimensions","width":721,"aspectRatio":1},"isOpaque":true},"mimeType":"image/jpeg","_type":"sanity.imageAsset","sha1hash":"8a709b350ee93c6328de9cc8c2aa1121ed12742c","_createdAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:20Z","_rev":"cFUTZTszjLP6XQNU17qBNb","size":69484,"url":"https://cdn.sanity.io/images/6c0i34g8/production/8a709b350ee93c6328de9cc8c2aa1121ed12742c-721x721.jpg","originalFilename":"carousel-3.jpg","_id":"image-8a709b350ee93c6328de9cc8c2aa1121ed12742c-721x721-jpg"},"caption":null,"alt":null,"hotspot":null},{"asset":{"_type":"sanity.imageAsset","extension":"jpg","uploadId":"tC4zPvECzTDUT6vKYLwKXtQPVMxq4mdp","mimeType":"image/jpeg","_updatedAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:16Z","_createdAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:16Z","size":61610,"assetId":"48a2d3f9d08bf41dbb0c2d2558ad7a4209f9390d","originalFilename":"carousel-2.jpg","metadata":{"isOpaque":true,"_type":"sanity.imageMetadata","hasAlpha":false,"lqip":"","dimensions":{"aspectRatio":0.9986130374479889,"height":721,"_type":"sanity.imageDimensions","width":720}},"_id":"image-48a2d3f9d08bf41dbb0c2d2558ad7a4209f9390d-720x721-jpg","sha1hash":"48a2d3f9d08bf41dbb0c2d2558ad7a4209f9390d","_rev":"LCf5LIeFNc0LAgosuidjyE","url":"https://cdn.sanity.io/images/6c0i34g8/production/48a2d3f9d08bf41dbb0c2d2558ad7a4209f9390d-720x721.jpg","path":"images/6c0i34g8/production/48a2d3f9d08bf41dbb0c2d2558ad7a4209f9390d-720x721.jpg"},"caption":null,"alt":null,"hotspot":null},{"asset":{"mimeType":"image/jpeg","url":"https://cdn.sanity.io/images/6c0i34g8/production/fe3f3badb8b758a63c0ec926d94fbd1d8895aff2-720x721.jpg","_rev":"cFUTZTszjLP6XQNU17q8JP","size":46961,"path":"images/6c0i34g8/production/fe3f3badb8b758a63c0ec926d94fbd1d8895aff2-720x721.jpg","_type":"sanity.imageAsset","_createdAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:09Z","_id":"image-fe3f3badb8b758a63c0ec926d94fbd1d8895aff2-720x721-jpg","assetId":"fe3f3badb8b758a63c0ec926d94fbd1d8895aff2","originalFilename":"carousel-1.jpg","metadata":{"lqip":"","dimensions":{"_type":"sanity.imageDimensions","width":720,"aspectRatio":0.9986130374479889,"height":721},"isOpaque":true,"_type":"sanity.imageMetadata","hasAlpha":false},"_updatedAt":"2022-09-28T09:01:09Z","uploadId":"Q4H2eI49QigBVX1XIgXuNqxtjKAEVJ42","extension":"jpg","sha1hash":"fe3f3badb8b758a63c0ec926d94fbd1d8895aff2"},"caption":null,"alt":null,"hotspot":null}],"seo":{"metaDesc":"Game artists, developers, analysts, data scientists, change makers... We are all of those and none of them. 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Homa is a gaming technology lab that gives game creators the data-driven tools and human expertise needed to turn their creative ideas into commercial hits. The technology we create is used by game creators around the world to create games that hit players' sweet spots, and the commercial jackpot.

Our “Homa Lab” platform gives game creators a comprehensive set of tools and solutions that lets them keep their eyes on new trends and ideas, execute real-time A/B testing of all their game's features through a no-code SDK, and distribute and monetize their games as well. It's a full end-to-end digital ecosystem that ensures developers are focused on the right idea, building games with every feature optimized, and distributing them at the right time, to people eager to play them, worldwide.

Does it work? Yep. Apps powered by our tech have been downloaded more than 1 billion times. And a lot of that is because we don't just sell our platform to clients and wish them well. We partner with them long-term, we make one hit, then we make some more. Homa is 50% a technology platform and 50% a collaborative, transparent partnership.

As a team, we're over 160 people and 34+ nationalities strong. Some of us are artists, some of us are business developers, engineers, entrepreneurs or former strategy consultants – but we're all here for the same thing: to take over the gaming industry by giving creators the data to transform their ideas into games played and money made.

Since inception, Homa raised a total of $165M to achieve this mission, with the participation of Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures and Bpifrance - along with renowned business angels, including King and FuboTV founders, and Spotify founder Daniel Ek’s family office.

","jobs":[{"title":"Art Director - All in Hole","shortcode":"66A69B39D2","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/66A69B39D2","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/66A69B39D2","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/66A69B39D2/apply","published_on":"2024-11-04","created_at":"2024-09-17","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"Director","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

We are looking for a talented and experienced Art Director to lead and elevate our game's visual quality to industry-leading standards. You will work collaboratively and cross-functionally with Product, Tech, and Marketing teams, to achieve the highest level of visual quality, and player experience, while navigating the technical limitations of mobile.

What you will do:

In this role, you will significantly influence the company’s artistic direction by contributing to key artistic decisions alongside a senior, multidisciplinary team of passionate and talented professionals. You will oversee the visual aspects of the global game's release, manage its artistic presentation, and refine the visual strategy.


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Associate Director of Game Analytics - All in Hole","shortcode":"B9E4C5D2DF","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":false,"department":"Data","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B9E4C5D2DF","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B9E4C5D2DF","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B9E4C5D2DF/apply","published_on":"2024-12-13","created_at":"2024-12-12","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Director","function":"Data Analyst","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join the Data department organized into:

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As the Associate Director of Game Analytics at All in Hole, you will shape the analytical strategy of our leading title, reporting directly to our VP of Data. Guiding a team of analysts, you’ll serve as the key link between the data team and product stakeholders, leveraging insights to drive game performance and player engagement.

Your key responsibilities will be:


You have a solid background in analytics and puzzle game design, and are excited to join a diverse team of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If the following describes you, we’d love to meet you:

Our Culture - Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Automation QA Engineer (Unity)","shortcode":"8B683FAE65","code":"","employment_type":"","telecommuting":true,"department":"Tech","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8B683FAE65","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8B683FAE65","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8B683FAE65/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2024-01-11","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"","function":"Engineering","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

Join our dynamic team as an Automation QA Engineer specializing in mobile hypercasual gaming. As the key contributor to our quality assurance efforts, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining automated testing solutions for Unity-based hypercasual games on mobile platforms. If you have a strong background in Unity game development, expertise in mobile testing, and a passion for creating seamless gaming experiences, we want you on our team!

You will be in charge of:

Mobile Automation Development:

Test Framework Optimisation:

Device Compatibility Testing:

Continuous Integration for Mobile:

User Experience Testing:


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Design Director","shortcode":"39950A97C7","code":"","employment_type":"","telecommuting":true,"department":null,"url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/39950A97C7","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/39950A97C7","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/39950A97C7/apply","published_on":"2025-01-24","created_at":"2024-11-29","country":"United Kingdom","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"United Kingdom","countryCode":"GB","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & Missions—What you will do 🚀

As the Design Director, you will be a key leader in shaping the creative direction and design excellence of our games. Collaborating closely with the General Manager, Director of Product, and Art Director, you will craft and execute a compelling creative vision that aligns with our strategic goals. You will lead and mentor a talented team of game designers, systems designers, and level designers, fostering innovation, collaboration, and a player-first mindset across all aspects of game development.



Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Game Data Analyst - All in Hole","shortcode":"45BCA8C033","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Data","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/45BCA8C033","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/45BCA8C033","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/45BCA8C033/apply","published_on":"2024-11-08","created_at":"2024-11-08","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Data Analyst","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join the Data department organized into:

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior Game Data Analyst dedicated to All in Hole, our most ambitious hybridcasual puzzle game, you will play a critical role in shaping the game’s roadmap, balancing creativity with data-driven insights. This role requires a keen analytical mindset and expertise in translating complex data into strategic decisions. You will work closely with the Product team to achieve our goal of placing All in Hole in the top grossing games.

Your Key Missions:


With strong data analytics experience, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

At Homa, our primary recruitment focus lies in the beautiful city of Paris, where we aim to cultivate an exceptional work culture. However, we also have vibrant hubs in Spain, Turkey, Georgia, North Macedonia, Poland and Slovenia, where we are continually seeking top talents to join our global family. If you're based in one of these locations, we will be thrilled to consider your application.

"},{"title":"Game Ops - Internship","shortcode":"0DCB04CA2A","code":"","employment_type":"Temporary","telecommuting":false,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0DCB04CA2A","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0DCB04CA2A","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0DCB04CA2A/apply","published_on":"2025-01-24","created_at":"2025-01-24","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"Internship","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 200 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded over 1 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify founders.

But what really makes Homa special is our team. We are a diverse group of artists, business developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and former strategy consultants who all share the same passion for taking over the gaming industry. When you become part of Homa, you'll join a dedicated team that creates innovative and high-performing games that resonate with players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the company, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions - What you will do 🚀

Join the Game Ops team at Homa and help shape the future of our game portfolio!

As a Game Ops Intern, you’ll be at the forefront of post-launch optimization and Live Ops feature development, ensuring our games achieve their full potential. Reporting directly to the Head of Game Ops, your responsibilities will include:


Preferred Experience – What’s Your Profile? 👀


Our Culture - Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy, and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits - What we offer 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Gen AI Project Manager","shortcode":"2FD17D6ABC","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":false,"department":"Corporate","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2FD17D6ABC","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2FD17D6ABC","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2FD17D6ABC/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"Entry level","function":"Project Management","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 200 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded over 1 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what makes Homa special is our team. We are a diverse group of artists, business developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and former strategy consultants who all share the same passion for taking over the gaming industry. When you become part of Homa, you'll join a dedicated team that creates innovative and high-performing games that resonate with players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the company, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You'll be part of Homa's Tech Gen-AI team, a group of AI-enthusiasts dedicated to revolutionizing AI at Homa.

Your primary mission within this team will be to take ownership of AI projects from inception to execution. This involves advancing existing projects and spearheading the creation of new ones to drive transformative changes and elevate our Gen-AI initiatives to new heights of success. This role offers a comprehensive 360-degree view of our mobile gaming business, enabling you to collaborate with cross-functional teams and have a direct impact on the business.

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

Shape the future of AI at Homa by leading our transformative Gen-AI initiatives. As a key player, you'll collaborate directly with the C-Suite and stakeholders to strategize and execute a diverse range of projects that push boundaries and redefine possibilities in AI.

Tech Gen-AI Project Leadership:

Scaling Non-Tech Gen-AI Solutions:

Gen-AI Strategic Planning:

Support for Strategic Initiatives:

This role isn't just about managing projects; it's about pioneering the future of AI in mobile gaming, working alongside a passionate team that values ambition, curiosity, humility, and a relentless drive for excellence. If you're ready to make a real impact and thrive in a dynamic, forward-thinking environment, we want to hear from you.


Preferred Experience — What's your profile 👀

We are looking for a creative initiative taker passionate about leading Gen-AI initiatives, with a strong track record of leading impactful projects, deep enthusiasm for AI, along a solid grasp of technology.

If you recognize yourself in the description, you might be the perfect fit! But even if you don't meet every requirement listed below, we still encourage you to apply.


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy, and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Benefits - What you get 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

At Homa, our primary recruitment focus lies in the beautiful city of Paris, where we aim to cultivate an exceptional work culture. However, we also have vibrant hubs in Spain, Turkey, Georgia, North Macedonia, Poland, and Slovenia, where we are continually seeking top talents to join our global family. If you're based in one of these locations, we will be thrilled to consider your application.

"},{"title":"General Manager, Hybridcasual Games","shortcode":"17F8451DD8","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Business","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/17F8451DD8","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/17F8451DD8","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/17F8451DD8/apply","published_on":"2024-04-17","created_at":"2024-01-08","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts. Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

The General Manager will be responsible for setting a long-term vision for an ambitious hybrid-casual game and driving the planning and execution of key objectives in the hybrid-casual space. You will be expected to own your product end-to-end while working with talented external studios driving an internal cross-functional team to success.


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy, and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Benefits—What you get 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

At Homa, our primary recruitment focus lies in the beautiful city of Paris, where we aim to cultivate an exceptional work culture. However, we also have vibrant hubs in Spain, Turkey, Georgia, North Macedonia, Poland and Slovenia, where we are continually seeking top talents to join our global family. If you're based in one of these locations, we will be thrilled to consider your application.

"},{"title":"Head of Ad Monetization","shortcode":"B7BBDA872F","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Performance Marketing","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B7BBDA872F","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B7BBDA872F","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/B7BBDA872F/apply","published_on":"2024-11-05","created_at":"2024-09-19","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"Director","function":"Advertising","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As the Head of Ad Monetization at Homa, you will own the ad monetization strategy for our entire game portfolio, ensuring that we strike the right balance between revenue generation and player retention. Your leadership will directly influence how players interact with ads in our games, and you will collaborate across teams to drive results.

This is a high-impact role where you’ll lead a team of specialists, working together to push the boundaries of mobile game monetization. If you’re passionate about optimizing ad experiences and driving meaningful revenue growth, Homa is the perfect place for you to thrive!

Here’s what you’ll be responsible for:


If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team! We are also looking for:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Lead Producer - All in Hole","shortcode":"8CC6579FDC","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC/apply","published_on":"2024-10-24","created_at":"2024-10-23","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Director","function":"Project Management","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As the Lead Producer on All in Hole, you will play a pivotal role in overseeing the entire live ops process, from launch to beyond. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless execution of product plans, identify and mitigate risks, and deliver high-quality gaming experiences that captivate our audience.

Reporting to the Product Director, your missions will include:


If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Lead Producer - All in Hole","shortcode":"8CC6579FDC","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/8CC6579FDC/apply","published_on":"2024-10-24","created_at":"2024-10-23","country":"United Kingdom","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Director","function":"Project Management","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"United Kingdom","countryCode":"GB","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As the Lead Producer on All in Hole, you will play a pivotal role in overseeing the entire live ops process, from launch to beyond. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless execution of product plans, identify and mitigate risks, and deliver high-quality gaming experiences that captivate our audience.

Reporting to the Product Director, your missions will include:


If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Lead Unity Developer","shortcode":"06E1E372CE","code":"","employment_type":"","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE/apply","published_on":"2024-12-04","created_at":"2024-12-04","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As we continue to grow, we are looking for an experienced Lead Unity Developer to join our internal Studio Team and drive the development of our exceptional games, utilizing our cutting-edge internal tools. Working closely with the Product Director and Tech Director, you will lead a talented multicultural team focused on creating innovative features, exciting in-game events, and enhancing game mechanics. Your goal will be to transform our top games into long-term, engaging experiences for players worldwide.

To ensure continued success and quality, you will collaborate directly with other leads and technical leaders across the company, maintaining a focus on sustainable development and delivering high-impact features in a timely manner.

Key Responsibilities:


Having strong experience in casual mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Lead Unity Developer","shortcode":"06E1E372CE","code":"","employment_type":"","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE/apply","published_on":"2024-12-04","created_at":"2024-12-04","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As we continue to grow, we are looking for an experienced Lead Unity Developer to join our internal Studio Team and drive the development of our exceptional games, utilizing our cutting-edge internal tools. Working closely with the Product Director and Tech Director, you will lead a talented multicultural team focused on creating innovative features, exciting in-game events, and enhancing game mechanics. Your goal will be to transform our top games into long-term, engaging experiences for players worldwide.

To ensure continued success and quality, you will collaborate directly with other leads and technical leaders across the company, maintaining a focus on sustainable development and delivering high-impact features in a timely manner.

Key Responsibilities:


Having strong experience in casual mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Lead Unity Developer","shortcode":"06E1E372CE","code":"","employment_type":"","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/06E1E372CE/apply","published_on":"2024-12-04","created_at":"2024-12-04","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As we continue to grow, we are looking for an experienced Lead Unity Developer to join our internal Studio Team and drive the development of our exceptional games, utilizing our cutting-edge internal tools. Working closely with the Product Director and Tech Director, you will lead a talented multicultural team focused on creating innovative features, exciting in-game events, and enhancing game mechanics. Your goal will be to transform our top games into long-term, engaging experiences for players worldwide.

To ensure continued success and quality, you will collaborate directly with other leads and technical leaders across the company, maintaining a focus on sustainable development and delivering high-impact features in a timely manner.

Key Responsibilities:


Having strong experience in casual mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Mobile Game QA Tester","shortcode":"0ECDE000BD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2024-10-21","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

As a Mobile Game QA Tester, you will be responsible for testing hypercasual and casual mobile games, focusing on finding bugs and ensuring a smooth user experience. You will be working closely with our development team and QA engineers to execute both manual and automated tests. The ideal candidate should have experience working with automated test tools such as Alt Tester or Air Test, as well as a strong understanding of mobile game functionality, particularly with Unity-developed games.

Key Responsibilities:


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Mobile Game QA Tester","shortcode":"0ECDE000BD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2024-10-21","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

As a Mobile Game QA Tester, you will be responsible for testing hypercasual and casual mobile games, focusing on finding bugs and ensuring a smooth user experience. You will be working closely with our development team and QA engineers to execute both manual and automated tests. The ideal candidate should have experience working with automated test tools such as Alt Tester or Air Test, as well as a strong understanding of mobile game functionality, particularly with Unity-developed games.

Key Responsibilities:


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Mobile Game QA Tester","shortcode":"0ECDE000BD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2024-10-21","country":"Poland","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Poland","countryCode":"PL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

As a Mobile Game QA Tester, you will be responsible for testing hypercasual and casual mobile games, focusing on finding bugs and ensuring a smooth user experience. You will be working closely with our development team and QA engineers to execute both manual and automated tests. The ideal candidate should have experience working with automated test tools such as Alt Tester or Air Test, as well as a strong understanding of mobile game functionality, particularly with Unity-developed games.

Key Responsibilities:


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Mobile Game QA Tester","shortcode":"0ECDE000BD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0ECDE000BD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2024-10-21","country":"Turkey","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Turkey","countryCode":"TR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

As a Mobile Game QA Tester, you will be responsible for testing hypercasual and casual mobile games, focusing on finding bugs and ensuring a smooth user experience. You will be working closely with our development team and QA engineers to execute both manual and automated tests. The ideal candidate should have experience working with automated test tools such as Alt Tester or Air Test, as well as a strong understanding of mobile game functionality, particularly with Unity-developed games.

Key Responsibilities:


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Product Director, Hybridcasual","shortcode":"F8DB193496","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/F8DB193496","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/F8DB193496","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/F8DB193496/apply","published_on":"2024-05-29","created_at":"2024-05-15","country":"United States","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Director","function":null,"industry":null,"locations":[{"country":"United States","countryCode":"US","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts. Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As the Director of Product for an upcoming hybridcasual/midcore title, you will define and execute all aspects of the product vision, strategy, and roadmap to deliver exceptional experiences for our players and drive a successful product launch. Working closely with cross-functional teams, you will oversee all aspects of the product life cycle, from concept to launch and beyond. Reporting to the General Manager, your key responsibilities will include:


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

"},{"title":"Publishing Internship - Gaming","shortcode":"986EBEC18E","code":null,"employment_type":"Temporary","telecommuting":false,"department":"Publishing","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/986EBEC18E","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/986EBEC18E","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/986EBEC18E/apply","published_on":"2025-01-24","created_at":"2024-09-09","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Internship","function":"Project Management","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 200 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded over 1 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify founders.

But what really makes Homa special is our team. We are a diverse group of artists, business developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and former strategy consultants who all share the same passion for taking over the gaming industry. When you become part of Homa, you'll join a dedicated team that creates innovative and high-performing games that resonate with players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the company, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Interested in joining Homa as an intern? 👀

Check out our Early-Career Page: https://www.homagames.com/marketing/early-careers?utm_campaign=Early%20Careers&utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_term=employee%2

Meet the team 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join the talented Publishing team at Homa, responsible for driving the entire lifecycle of mobile games—from concept to market launch. The team is structured into four pods, each consisting of 2-4 Publishing Managers, who work closely with various game studios.

You will work directly with one of these PMs, providing essential support while managing your own portfolio of junior studios. Your role will cover every stage of game development, including prototyping, testing, and potentially publishing if a game shows promising results. You'll also collaborate with internal teams such as Creative, Finance, Business Development (BD), User Acquisition (UA), Growth, Game Project Management (GPM), and Data.

Role and Missions - What you will do 🚀

As a Publishing Intern, you will gain hands-on experience in the full lifecycle of mobile games. This opportunity is perfect for someone passionate about gaming and eager to understand every step from concept to launch. You'll have the chance to have a direct business impact by shaping and potentially publishing the next big game hit.

What You Can Expect Your Week to Be Like:


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Nice-to-Have Qualifications:


Our Culture - Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy, and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits - What we offer 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 2D / Concept Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"4BF8D6F77D","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

Join our talented art team, led by a seasoned Art Director and supported by passionate artists (4-5) dedicated to elevating the artistic quality of one of our most popular casual cartoonish games. Collaborate closely with fellow creatives and key stakeholders to craft a vibrant and immersive experience for players worldwide.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 2D/Concept Artist, you’ll play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of one of our most exciting arcade puzzle games. Your artistic talent and vision will leave a lasting impression on millions of players, delivering visually stunning and cohesive assets. Here’s what you’ll be doing:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 2D / Concept Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"4BF8D6F77D","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Netherlands","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Netherlands","countryCode":"NL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

Join our talented art team, led by a seasoned Art Director and supported by passionate artists (4-5) dedicated to elevating the artistic quality of one of our most popular casual cartoonish games. Collaborate closely with fellow creatives and key stakeholders to craft a vibrant and immersive experience for players worldwide.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 2D/Concept Artist, you’ll play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of one of our most exciting arcade puzzle games. Your artistic talent and vision will leave a lasting impression on millions of players, delivering visually stunning and cohesive assets. Here’s what you’ll be doing:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 2D / Concept Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"4BF8D6F77D","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

Join our talented art team, led by a seasoned Art Director and supported by passionate artists (4-5) dedicated to elevating the artistic quality of one of our most popular casual cartoonish games. Collaborate closely with fellow creatives and key stakeholders to craft a vibrant and immersive experience for players worldwide.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 2D/Concept Artist, you’ll play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of one of our most exciting arcade puzzle games. Your artistic talent and vision will leave a lasting impression on millions of players, delivering visually stunning and cohesive assets. Here’s what you’ll be doing:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 2D / Concept Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"4BF8D6F77D","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Finland","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Finland","countryCode":"FI","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

Join our talented art team, led by a seasoned Art Director and supported by passionate artists (4-5) dedicated to elevating the artistic quality of one of our most popular casual cartoonish games. Collaborate closely with fellow creatives and key stakeholders to craft a vibrant and immersive experience for players worldwide.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 2D/Concept Artist, you’ll play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of one of our most exciting arcade puzzle games. Your artistic talent and vision will leave a lasting impression on millions of players, delivering visually stunning and cohesive assets. Here’s what you’ll be doing:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 2D / Concept Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"4BF8D6F77D","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/4BF8D6F77D/apply","published_on":"2025-01-23","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

Join our talented art team, led by a seasoned Art Director and supported by passionate artists (4-5) dedicated to elevating the artistic quality of one of our most popular casual cartoonish games. Collaborate closely with fellow creatives and key stakeholders to craft a vibrant and immersive experience for players worldwide.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 2D/Concept Artist, you’ll play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of one of our most exciting arcade puzzle games. Your artistic talent and vision will leave a lasting impression on millions of players, delivering visually stunning and cohesive assets. Here’s what you’ll be doing:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 3D Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"CA53F31383","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join our 3D artist team, led by an experienced 3D Lead and supported by very talented (3-4) 3D artist peers, as we elevate the art quality of the biggest casual cartoonish game in our company’s portfolio. Collaborate closely with the art team and other skateholders to deliver a vibrant and immersive experience for players around the world.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 3D Artist, you’ll have a pivotal role in shaping the artistic identity of our exciting arcade puzzle game, All in Hole. Your creative vision and technical expertise will directly influence the game’s success, crafting unforgettable visuals that captivate and delight. Your key responsabilities:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 3D Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"CA53F31383","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join our 3D artist team, led by an experienced 3D Lead and supported by very talented (3-4) 3D artist peers, as we elevate the art quality of the biggest casual cartoonish game in our company’s portfolio. Collaborate closely with the art team and other skateholders to deliver a vibrant and immersive experience for players around the world.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 3D Artist, you’ll have a pivotal role in shaping the artistic identity of our exciting arcade puzzle game, All in Hole. Your creative vision and technical expertise will directly influence the game’s success, crafting unforgettable visuals that captivate and delight. Your key responsabilities:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 3D Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"CA53F31383","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Netherlands","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Netherlands","countryCode":"NL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join our 3D artist team, led by an experienced 3D Lead and supported by very talented (3-4) 3D artist peers, as we elevate the art quality of the biggest casual cartoonish game in our company’s portfolio. Collaborate closely with the art team and other skateholders to deliver a vibrant and immersive experience for players around the world.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 3D Artist, you’ll have a pivotal role in shaping the artistic identity of our exciting arcade puzzle game, All in Hole. Your creative vision and technical expertise will directly influence the game’s success, crafting unforgettable visuals that captivate and delight. Your key responsabilities:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 3D Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"CA53F31383","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Finland","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Finland","countryCode":"FI","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join our 3D artist team, led by an experienced 3D Lead and supported by very talented (3-4) 3D artist peers, as we elevate the art quality of the biggest casual cartoonish game in our company’s portfolio. Collaborate closely with the art team and other skateholders to deliver a vibrant and immersive experience for players around the world.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 3D Artist, you’ll have a pivotal role in shaping the artistic identity of our exciting arcade puzzle game, All in Hole. Your creative vision and technical expertise will directly influence the game’s success, crafting unforgettable visuals that captivate and delight. Your key responsabilities:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior 3D Artist - Casual Games (All in Hole)","shortcode":"CA53F31383","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/CA53F31383/apply","published_on":"2025-01-07","created_at":"2025-01-07","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Art/Creative","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Homa is a global mobile game developer and publisher with a portfolio of over 80 mobile games and 1.8B downloads. We combine cutting-edge technology with a passion for games to produce hits with franchise potential, empowering creators to thrive in the global gaming landscape. Through Homa Lab, its proprietary gaming technology platform, Homa provides game developers worldwide with market knowledge, data-driven tools, game tech, and insights to transform creative ideas into commercial hits.

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join our 3D artist team, led by an experienced 3D Lead and supported by very talented (3-4) 3D artist peers, as we elevate the art quality of the biggest casual cartoonish game in our company’s portfolio. Collaborate closely with the art team and other skateholders to deliver a vibrant and immersive experience for players around the world.

Role & Mission – What You’ll Do 🚀

As a Senior 3D Artist, you’ll have a pivotal role in shaping the artistic identity of our exciting arcade puzzle game, All in Hole. Your creative vision and technical expertise will directly influence the game’s success, crafting unforgettable visuals that captivate and delight. Your key responsabilities:

What’s in it for You?


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Level Designer","shortcode":"D5C078B026","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D5C078B026","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D5C078B026","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D5C078B026/apply","published_on":"2024-12-05","created_at":"2024-12-05","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":"","experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Design","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

We are seeking a talented Senior Level Designer to craft engaging and innovative levels for All in Hole, our ambitious hybridcasual puzzle game currently in soft-launch! You will utilize our custom level editor to design fun and challenging experiences that keep players hooked.

More specifically, you will be responsible for:


If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team! We are also looking for:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Success is its own reward, but here are the perks as well:

"},{"title":"Senior MLOps Engineer","shortcode":"6C7A454B10","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":false,"department":"Data","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/6C7A454B10","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/6C7A454B10","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/6C7A454B10/apply","published_on":"2025-01-20","created_at":"2024-02-01","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Meet the team 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

You will join the Data department organized into:

- A Data Platform team with 5 Data Engineers responsible for ingesting large amounts of data from multiple different sources, creating and maintaining a core data model which aims at making data standardized, reliable and easily available

- A Data Science and ML Platform team with 3 Data Scientists / ML Engineer working on ML-driven data products: Autobidder for User Acquisition, N-Testing for experimentation

- An Advanced Analytics & Data Science team with 7 Data Analysts and Scientists exploiting our data for:

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

We are looking for a Senior MLOps Engineer to join the team to scale and industrialize Machine Learning & AI at Homa. Under the responsibility of our Associate Director, your responsibilities will be the following:


If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team! We are also looking for:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Product Designer","shortcode":"0B06D9BE5F","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":false,"department":"Homa Lab","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0B06D9BE5F","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0B06D9BE5F","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/0B06D9BE5F/apply","published_on":"2024-10-25","created_at":"2024-09-19","country":"France","city":"Paris","state":"Île-de-France","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":"Design","industry":"Computer Games","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"Paris","region":"Île-de-France","hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior Product Designer at Homa, you will play a critical role in designing user-centric interfaces and flows for our internal Gametech tools. Your designs will directly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of game teams, ensuring tools are intuitive, efficient, and aligned with user workflows. Your work will prevent operational slowdowns and reduce errors that could affect game setup and revenue.

You’ll collaborate closely with various stakeholders, including Product & Engineering teams, to ensure your designs are technically feasible and address real user pain points.

More concretely, your missions will be the following:

After six months, your success will be evaluated by your deep understanding of game development processes, user workflows, and your proactive delivery of designs that drive measurable improvements in team efficiency.


Having significant experience working on UI/UX & Product Design, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Product Manager - Launch Ops","shortcode":"9FFC3DCA83","code":null,"employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/9FFC3DCA83","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/9FFC3DCA83","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/9FFC3DCA83/apply","published_on":"2024-06-17","created_at":"2024-03-21","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":null,"experience":"Mid-Senior level","function":null,"industry":null,"locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts. Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

We're looking for a talented and experienced Senior Product Manager - LaunchOps to work on launching new games. You will be expected to help design features, create roadmaps, and produce and develop features on time with the right quality level.


Preferred Experience—What's your profile 👀

If you’re creative, ambitious, and up for taking over the industry, we want you on our team!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy, and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨ Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

Benefits—What you get 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

At Homa, our primary recruitment focus lies in the beautiful city of Paris, where we aim to cultivate an exceptional work culture. However, we also have vibrant hubs in Spain, Turkey, Georgia, North Macedonia, Poland and Slovenia, where we are continually seeking top talents to join our global family. If you're based in one of these locations, we will be thrilled to consider your application.

"},{"title":"Senior UI/UX Designer","shortcode":"80B3D6404D","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":null,"url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D/apply","published_on":"2024-10-25","created_at":"2024-10-11","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior UI/UX Designer at Homa, you will play a critical role in designing user-centric interfaces and flows for our internal Gametech tools. Your designs will directly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of game teams, ensuring tools are intuitive, efficient, and aligned with user workflows. Your work will prevent operational slowdowns and reduce errors that could affect game setup and revenue.

You’ll collaborate closely with various stakeholders, including Product & Engineering teams, to ensure your designs are technically feasible and address real user pain points.

More concretely, your missions will be the following:

After six months, your success will be evaluated by your deep understanding of game development processes, user workflows, and your proactive delivery of designs that drive measurable improvements in team efficiency.


Having significant experience working on UI/UX Design, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior UI/UX Designer","shortcode":"80B3D6404D","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":null,"url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D/apply","published_on":"2024-10-25","created_at":"2024-10-11","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior UI/UX Designer at Homa, you will play a critical role in designing user-centric interfaces and flows for our internal Gametech tools. Your designs will directly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of game teams, ensuring tools are intuitive, efficient, and aligned with user workflows. Your work will prevent operational slowdowns and reduce errors that could affect game setup and revenue.

You’ll collaborate closely with various stakeholders, including Product & Engineering teams, to ensure your designs are technically feasible and address real user pain points.

More concretely, your missions will be the following:

After six months, your success will be evaluated by your deep understanding of game development processes, user workflows, and your proactive delivery of designs that drive measurable improvements in team efficiency.


Having significant experience working on UI/UX Design, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior UI/UX Designer","shortcode":"80B3D6404D","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":null,"url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/80B3D6404D/apply","published_on":"2024-10-25","created_at":"2024-10-11","country":"Poland","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Poland","countryCode":"PL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify.

But what truly sets Home apart is our team. We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games. Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide.

If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior UI/UX Designer at Homa, you will play a critical role in designing user-centric interfaces and flows for our internal Gametech tools. Your designs will directly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of game teams, ensuring tools are intuitive, efficient, and aligned with user workflows. Your work will prevent operational slowdowns and reduce errors that could affect game setup and revenue.

You’ll collaborate closely with various stakeholders, including Product & Engineering teams, to ensure your designs are technically feasible and address real user pain points.

More concretely, your missions will be the following:

After six months, your success will be evaluated by your deep understanding of game development processes, user workflows, and your proactive delivery of designs that drive measurable improvements in team efficiency.


Having significant experience working on UI/UX Design, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!


Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Unity Developer","shortcode":"D283D2AE61","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61/apply","published_on":"2024-10-10","created_at":"2024-08-14","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Product Director and Tech Director, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:

- Develop new game features autonomously and in compliance with deadlines

- Guarantee a robust and reusable code

- Ensure an optimal user experience and sprinkle your games with juiciness and addictive mechanics

- Suggest new concepts & ideas thanks to your knowledge of current trends

- Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders on soft-launches and iterations (polishing, optimization, etc.)


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Unity Developer","shortcode":"D283D2AE61","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61/apply","published_on":"2024-10-10","created_at":"2024-08-14","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Product Director and Tech Director, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:

- Develop new game features autonomously and in compliance with deadlines

- Guarantee a robust and reusable code

- Ensure an optimal user experience and sprinkle your games with juiciness and addictive mechanics

- Suggest new concepts & ideas thanks to your knowledge of current trends

- Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders on soft-launches and iterations (polishing, optimization, etc.)


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Senior Unity Developer","shortcode":"D283D2AE61","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/D283D2AE61/apply","published_on":"2024-10-10","created_at":"2024-08-14","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Senior Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Product Director and Tech Director, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:

- Develop new game features autonomously and in compliance with deadlines

- Guarantee a robust and reusable code

- Ensure an optimal user experience and sprinkle your games with juiciness and addictive mechanics

- Suggest new concepts & ideas thanks to your knowledge of current trends

- Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders on soft-launches and iterations (polishing, optimization, etc.)


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in the following description, you're the one!

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Staff Back-end Engineer - Java Gaming Tech","shortcode":"5D3EA0D9DD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Tech","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-20","created_at":"2024-03-11","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work with other engineers on our low latency and highly scalable Java backend, ensuring it always stays up. The Java backend is a core component for our LiveOps and UAM solutions, so you will participate with multi-disciplinary teams to make decisions about our future products and services. If you are looking for a position where you will have the freedom to rewrite core components, participate in the design and implement new features, and significantly impact the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Staff Back-end Engineer - Java Gaming Tech","shortcode":"5D3EA0D9DD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Tech","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-20","created_at":"2024-03-11","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work with other engineers on our low latency and highly scalable Java backend, ensuring it always stays up. The Java backend is a core component for our LiveOps and UAM solutions, so you will participate with multi-disciplinary teams to make decisions about our future products and services. If you are looking for a position where you will have the freedom to rewrite core components, participate in the design and implement new features, and significantly impact the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Staff Back-end Engineer - Java Gaming Tech","shortcode":"5D3EA0D9DD","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Tech","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/5D3EA0D9DD/apply","published_on":"2025-01-20","created_at":"2024-03-11","country":"Poland","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Poland","countryCode":"PL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work with other engineers on our low latency and highly scalable Java backend, ensuring it always stays up. The Java backend is a core component for our LiveOps and UAM solutions, so you will participate with multi-disciplinary teams to make decisions about our future products and services. If you are looking for a position where you will have the freedom to rewrite core components, participate in the design and implement new features, and significantly impact the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity Developer","shortcode":"2A7AF5A1B5","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5/apply","published_on":"2024-10-21","created_at":"2024-08-28","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Tech Director and the rest of the Dev team, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in some of the following descriptions, you're the one!

Nice to have:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity Developer","shortcode":"2A7AF5A1B5","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5/apply","published_on":"2024-10-21","created_at":"2024-08-28","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Tech Director and the rest of the Dev team, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in some of the following descriptions, you're the one!

Nice to have:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity Developer","shortcode":"2A7AF5A1B5","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/2A7AF5A1B5/apply","published_on":"2024-10-21","created_at":"2024-08-28","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role and Missions — What you will do 🚀

As a Unity Game Developer, you will join our internal Studio Team to operate our awesome games taking advantage of our best internal tools.

Working in close collaboration with a Tech Director and the rest of the Dev team, you will be in charge of creating new features, events and improved game mechanics in order to transform our best games into long-term experiences for our players.

Your missions will be the following:


Having strong experience in mobile game development, you want to join a diverse team composed of mobile gaming enthusiasts. If you recognize yourself in some of the following descriptions, you're the one!

Nice to have:

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity/C# Fullstack Developer","shortcode":"EF0D9358A9","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2025-01-21","country":"France","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"France","countryCode":"FR","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work closely with Unity and Backend Developers on different areas of the game, from client-side features to backend scaling considerations. You will participate in strategic planning about how to use our Backend as a Service system for new features and also optimize the currently implemented pipelines on our game.

If you are looking for a position where you can plan and implement Client / Backend communication, participate in the design of Live Game features, and implement new features with a big impact on the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity/C# Fullstack Developer","shortcode":"EF0D9358A9","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2025-01-21","country":"Germany","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work closely with Unity and Backend Developers on different areas of the game, from client-side features to backend scaling considerations. You will participate in strategic planning about how to use our Backend as a Service system for new features and also optimize the currently implemented pipelines on our game.

If you are looking for a position where you can plan and implement Client / Backend communication, participate in the design of Live Game features, and implement new features with a big impact on the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity/C# Fullstack Developer","shortcode":"EF0D9358A9","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2025-01-21","country":"Poland","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Poland","countryCode":"PL","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work closely with Unity and Backend Developers on different areas of the game, from client-side features to backend scaling considerations. You will participate in strategic planning about how to use our Backend as a Service system for new features and also optimize the currently implemented pipelines on our game.

If you are looking for a position where you can plan and implement Client / Backend communication, participate in the design of Live Game features, and implement new features with a big impact on the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:

"},{"title":"Unity/C# Fullstack Developer","shortcode":"EF0D9358A9","code":"","employment_type":"Full-time","telecommuting":true,"department":"Gaming","url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","shortlink":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9","application_url":"https://apply.workable.com/j/EF0D9358A9/apply","published_on":"2025-01-21","created_at":"2025-01-21","country":"Spain","city":"","state":"","education":"","experience":"","function":"","industry":"Entertainment","locations":[{"country":"Spain","countryCode":"ES","city":"","region":null,"hidden":false}],"description":"

Welcome to Homa, the gaming technology lab that is taking the industry by storm! Our team of over 230 people, hailing from more than 35 different countries, is dedicated to empowering mobile game creators worldwide to bring their creative ideas to the top charts.

Our Homa Lab platform offers a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools that allow developers to stay on top of the latest trends, test new features in real-time, and easily distribute and monetize their games. Our success speaks for itself - our apps have been downloaded 1.8 billion times!

Since our inception, we have raised $165 million in total from prominent investors, including Headline, Northzone, Eurazeo, Singular, Quadrille Capital, Fabric Ventures, and Bpifrance. We have also received support from renowned business angels, such as the founders of King, Sorare, and Spotify. But what truly sets Home apart is our team.

We are a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, all driven by a shared passion for taking over the gaming industry. Our team is rapidly growing, attracting industry veterans eager to help us deliver the next generation of Homa’s games.

Joining Homa means becoming part of a dedicated team creating innovative and high-performing games for players worldwide. If you're ready to take your career to the next level and make a real impact in the gaming industry, then Homa is the perfect place for you. Join us and let's create the future of gaming together!

Role & missions – What you will do 🚀

You will work closely with Unity and Backend Developers on different areas of the game, from client-side features to backend scaling considerations. You will participate in strategic planning about how to use our Backend as a Service system for new features and also optimize the currently implemented pipelines on our game.

If you are looking for a position where you can plan and implement Client / Backend communication, participate in the design of Live Game features, and implement new features with a big impact on the team, then this might be the job for you!


About you – Who you are 🦄

Good to have 💪

Our Culture—Who we are🪐

At Homa, we are building a community of brilliant talents. We believe that true innovation comes from diversity and collaboration, and that's why we prioritize brainpower and determination over formal education. So if you have the talent, energy and motivation, there is no obstacle to your success here.

As the creative experts behind the platform, we provide developers with the data they need to bring their ideas to life. Our team lives by three central values that guide everything we do:

✨Ambition: we're not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and set our goals extremely high. We're on a mission to revolutionize an industry dominated by well-established companies, and we won't stop until we succeed.

✨Humility: we leave our pride & ego aside. We are always ready to lend a helping hand, celebrate each other's successes, and learn from our failures. As Mr. Lamar said, \"Sit down. Be humble.\"

✨Curiosity: we keep our minds open and never stop learning. We believe that questioning everything is the best way to stay ahead of the curve, and we encourage all our team members to stay curious and never stop exploring new ideas.

At Homa, you'll be challenged, supported, and inspired every day, and we can't wait to see what you bring to the table.


Perks & Benefits 🎁

While success is its own reward, here are some of the benefits that come with working at Homa:
