Discover and review the latest releases from top publishers and the games reaching the app stores’ top 200. The Market Watcher delivers the hottest releases with live previews and clear categorisations, to make it easier than ever to explore games in your niche.
Discover and review the latest releases from top publishers and the games reaching the app stores’ top 200. The Market Watcher delivers the hottest releases with live previews and clear categorisations, to make it easier than ever to explore games in your niche.
Recent releases from top devs
App store top 200 rankings for iOS and Android
Hifi game previews - screenshots and videos
Advanced filters for exploring game lists
Curated lists combined with insightful data dashboards that show you which trends are rising and retiring in casual and hypercasual games. Find the right combination of popular mechanics and themes, for your next game, and learn what unexpected game design element could be added into your next build to make it stand out.
Release Watcher dashboard analyzing the trends and mechanics in game releases
Hit Watcher dashboard with insights on games that made it into the top 200
Hit List of all games that ranked high over a period
New game taxonomy that enables you to easily filter games by deep, relevant tags
Start building games with data, insight and tested hit potential built right in.